Cranberry cupcake

>> Monday, October 27, 2008

While waiting for the bread dough to proof, i made some cranberry cupcake with the remaining egg and fresh milk.


Milky Loaf

After browsing some of the baker's blogs on bread making. I made 2 loaves of bread on sun and monday but the end result wasnt as good. Not sure what's the problem. The 2nd proofing didn't go well, after proofing for 2hrs, it did not rise very high dough it rise doubled size of the dough.

It was a long day of waiting and baking.. waiting for the proof. It took me about 5hrs to make this bread including the 3hrs of proofing. My hubby commented that should have just buy a loaf of bread for $2, why waste 5hrs making bread? hahaha.. well i would say its a sense of accomplishment and eating the bread that you have made your own, its kind of joy too.

I suspect the following problems:
1) The baking tin is not the correct size
2) During the 2nd proofing, after an hr, the clingwrap stick onto the dough, i carefully remove it but i think i deflate the dough :( the dough collapse abit.

Any shifu can advise on my problems?

1st proofing, pretty nice shape

Slice of the bread, texture was quite soft
After 30mins of baking.


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